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7/11/30 - 1/24/21

CatchU® was created with one person in mind and that was my grandmother Jean Sisinni, born Giloramo Lauritano on July 11th, 1930 in Brooklyn, NY.  Growing up, I could never ever pronounce her Italian first name correctly, so I just started calling her “Geronimo” one day. Well, that nickname stuck and became an everlasting inside family joke - luckily Grams always played along with us. 


My grandma birthed two daughters (the younger being my mom Marjorie) and two sons and had a total of seven grandchildren & six beautiful great-grandchildren. Of her seven grandchildren, I am her only granddaughter, and my daughter Kayleigh Rose is her only great-granddaughter; you can imagine the strong female connection that we all share for one another. In fact, my birth name is actually Jeannette-Rose (a combination of both of my grandmothers’ names: Jean and Rose). Over time, Jeannette-Rose, became Jeannette, which was later reduced to just Jet. My publications and degrees have my name recorded as Jeannette R. Mahoney in memory of nanny Rose, but now it’s time to dedicate something truly special to nanny Jean…


I guess it’s truly fitting that as my “Geronimo” leaps onward to her next adventure that she knows that I will always be there to catch her!  Grams, it is without reservation that CatchU®  be dedicated to you in memory of your never-ending love, strength, support, guidance and selflessness. Life was not always rosy for you, but your life sure meant everything to me!  You will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Love Always,

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